Whether you have a wide range of vocabulary or just a small one, we choose the words that we let come out of our mouth. They can be used to either build up or break down. The biggest lie you can believe is that your words don't have power. Words mean so much, but at the same time so little these days. It depends on what words you put your trust in.
Negative uses of our vocabulary can be using profanity, gossiping and complaining. Can you not go a day without cursing? Do you always talk about other people and their business? Lastly, do you complain more than you rejoice? These are all questions to ask yourself. If you answered yes to two or all then you might want to consider practicing some self-discipline with your words.
Positive uses of our vocabulary is just the opposite. It's better to speak words of encouragement and honesty. The best rule to remember is to think before you speak. When you take the time to think about what's coming out of your mouth, there is more time for your conscience to respond.
All in all, words have power. We choose them and the words we choose show what kind of person we are. Others' perception of us is also strongly based off of what they have heard us say or not say. So remember your vocab.
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