I was sitting in my friend's dorm room and it hit me. I was hungry and had not yet eaten all day. Of course they decided to watch The Food Network channel. I demanded that they changed the channel, and then I instantly compared changing the channels on our television to changing channels in our lives.
Channels are somewhat like pathways. It is a flow of something; whatever we choose that flow to be. Like I said before, we have the power to change and motivate our own destinies and it is the same with our pathways or "channels." I know we all experience those moments in our lives when we feel like our day just couldn't get any worse. We might even ask God "Why me?" Truth is, God does not want to hurt us, but He does want us to learn how to endure and "change the channel."
You might wonder, "what or how do I change the channel in my life?" Simple. Change your thoughts and surroundings. If you dwell on one thing and how bad your life is at the moment, of course you're going to feel bad. Instead, think positive. Thank God for giving you life again and focus on the things that are going right. I mean you ARE breathing. Put your focus on the good and not the bad and trust God to help your situation. Change the channel.
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